We are a privately-held investment company founded as a specialist in cross-border investments

We provide patient capital and practical operational support to companies and investment managers

What we look for

  • Companies and investment managers poised for or planning credible cross-border growth

  • Target companies that align operationally with Sinaxia and its partners for scalable growth and value addition

  • Target companies that offer distribution and market synergies with Sinaxia and our partners

  • Alignment with managers or entrepreneurs engaged in capital-intensive, long-term expansion

  • A requirement for active cross-cultural change management to foster value creation

Our approach

  • Rapid yet thorough decision-making for effective outcomes

  • Dedicated local teams facilitating global expansion

  • Long-term approach to align interests with partners and target companies

The team

  • We are an agile and diverse team of professional based in both Europe and Asia, bridging financial expertise, operational capability and cross-cultural awareness

  • The team has extensive experience and complementary skills in transaction execution, business management and corporate restructuring, supported by a board of senior professionals bringing C-suite industry and business knowledge

At Sinaxia, we prioritize disciplined analysis and a focused strategy on key markets, underscored by our commitment to independence and transparency. Our team brings original perspectives to economic trends, identifying unique opportunities. We believe in long-term relationships, supporting our partners through every stage of value creation, with a shared goal of sustainable growth

SINAXIA S.R.L | Via P. Giannone 9 20154 – Milan, Italy
Cod. Fisc. e P.I. 08492630960 Numero R.E.A. MI - 2030084

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